4 research outputs found

    Configuration management and product lines to enhance the replication process in software engineering

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    This research is concerned with the experimental software engineering area, specifically experiment replication. Replication has traditionally been viewed as a complex task in software engineering. This is possibly due to the present immaturity of the experimental paradigm applied to software development. Researchers usually use replication packages to replicate an experiment. However, replication packages are not the solution to all the information management problems that crop up when successive replications of an experiment accumulate. This research borrows ideas from the software configuration management and software product line paradigms to support the replication process. We believe that configuration management can help to manage and administer information from one replication to another: hypotheses, designs, data analysis, etc. The software product line paradigm can help to organize and manage any changes introduced into the experiment by each replication. We expect the union of the two paradigms in replication to improve the planning, design and execution of further replications and their alignment with existing replications. Additionally, this research work will contribute a web support environment for archiving information related to different experiment replications. Additionally, it will provide flexible enough information management support for running replications with different numbers and types of changes. Finally, it will afford massive storage of data from different replications. Experimenters working collaboratively on the same experiment must all have access to the different experiments

    Using configuration management and product line software paradigms to support the experimentation process in software engineering.

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    There is no empirical evidence whatsoever to support most of the beliefs on which software construction is based. We do not yet know the adequacy, limits, qualities, costs and risks of the technologies used to develop software. Experimentation helps to check and convert beliefs and opinions into facts. This research is concerned with the replication area. Replication is a key component for gathering empirical evidence on software development that can be used in industry to build better software more efficiently. Replication has not been an easy thing to do in software engineering (SE) because the experimental paradigm applied to software development is still immature. Nowadays, a replication is executed mostly using a traditional replication package. But traditional replication packages do not appear, for some reason, to have been as effective as expected for transferring information among researchers in SE experimentation. The trouble spot appears to be the replication setup, caused by version management problems with materials, instruments, documents, etc. This has proved to be an obstacle to obtaining enough details about the experiment to be able to reproduce it as exactly as possible. We address the problem of information exchange among experimenters by developing a schema to characterize replications. We will adapt configuration management and product line ideas to support the experimentation process. This will enable researchers to make systematic decisions based on explicit knowledge rather than assumptions about replications. This research will output a replication support web environment. This environment will not only archive but also manage experimental materials flexibly enough to allow both similar and differentiated replications with massive experimental data storage. The platform should be accessible to several research groups working together on the same families of experiments

    Gesti贸n de configuraci贸n y l铆nea de productos para mejorar el proceso experimental en ingenier铆a del software

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    La Ingenier铆a del Software (IS) Emp铆rica adopta el m茅todo cient铆fico a la IS para facilitar la generaci贸n de conocimiento. Una de las t茅cnicas empleadas, es la realizaci贸n de experimentos. Para que el conocimiento obtenido experimentalmente adquiera el nivel de madurez necesario para su posterior uso, es necesario que los experimentos sean replicados. La existencia de m煤ltiples replicaciones de un mismo experimento conlleva la existencia de numerosas versiones de los distintos productos generados durante la realizaci贸n de cada replicaci贸n. Actualmente existe un gran descontrol sobre estos productos, ya que la administraci贸n se realiza de manera informal. Esto causa problemas a la hora de planificar nuevas replicaciones, o intentar obtener informaci贸n sobre las replicaciones ya realizadas. Para conocer con detalle la dimensi贸n del problema a resolver, se estudia el estado actual de la gesti贸n de materiales experimentales y su uso en replicaciones, as铆 como de las herramientas de gesti贸n de materiales experimentales. El estudio concluye que ninguno de los enfoques estudiados proporciona una soluci贸n al problema planteado. Este trabajo persigue como objetivo mejorar la administraci贸n de los materiales experimentales y replicaciones de experimentos en IS para dar soporte a la replicaci贸n de experimentos. Para satisfacer este objetivo, se propone la adopci贸n en experimentaci贸n de los paradigmas de Gesti贸n de Configuraci贸n del Software (GCS) y L铆nea de Producto Software (LPS). Para desarrollar la propuesta se decide utilizar el m茅todo de investigaci贸n acci贸n (en ingl茅s action research). Para adoptar la GCS a experimentaci贸n, se comienza realizando un estudio del proceso experimental como transformaci贸n de productos; a continuaci贸n, se realiza una adopci贸n de conceptos fundamentada en los procesos del desarrollo software y de experimentaci贸n; finalmente, se desarrollan un conjunto de instrumentos, que se incorporan a un Plan de Gesti贸n de Configuraci贸n de Experimentos (PGCE). Para adoptar la LPS a experimentaci贸n, se comienza realizando un estudio de los conceptos, actividades y fases que fundamentan la LPS; a continuaci贸n, se realiza una adopci贸n de los conceptos; finalmente, se desarrollan o adoptan las t茅cnicas, simbolog铆a y modelos para dar soporte a las fases de la L铆nea de Producto para Experimentaci贸n (LPE). La propuesta se valida mediante la evaluaci贸n de su: viabilidad, flexibilidad, usabilidad y satisfacci贸n. La viabilidad y flexibilidad se eval煤an mediante la instanciaci贸n del PGCE y de la LPE en experimentos concretos en IS. La usabilidad se eval煤a mediante el uso de la propuesta para la generaci贸n de las instancias del PGCE y de LPE. La satisfacci贸n eval煤a la informaci贸n sobre el experimento que contiene el PGCE y la LPE. Los resultados de la validaci贸n de la propuesta muestran mejores resultados en los aspectos de usabilidad y satisfacci贸n a los experimentadores. ABSTRACT Empirical software engineering adapts the scientific method to software engineering (SE) in order to facilitate knowledge generation. Experimentation is one of the techniques used. For the knowledge generated experimentally to acquire the level of maturity necessary for later use, the experiments have to be replicated. As the same experiment is replicated more than once, there are numerous versions of all the products generated during a replication. These products are generally administered informally without control. This is troublesome when it comes to planning new replications or trying to gather information on replications conducted in the past. In order to grasp the size of the problem to be solved, this research examines the current state of the art of the management and use of experimental materials in replications, as well as the tools managing experimental materials. The study concludes that none of the analysed approaches provides a solution to the stated problem. The aim of this research is to improve the administration of SE experimental materials and experimental replications in support of experiment replication. To do this, we propose the adaptation of software configuration management (SCM) and software product line (SPL) paradigms to experimentation. The action research method was selected in order to develop this proposal. The first step in the adaptation of the SCM to experimentation was to analyse the experimental process from the viewpoint of the transformation of products. The concepts were then adapted based on software development and experimentation processes. Finally, a set of instruments were developed and added to an experiment configuration management plan (ECMP). The first step in the adaptation of the SPL to experimentation is to analyse the concepts, activities and phases underlying the SPL. The concepts are then adapted. Finally, techniques, symbols and models are developed or adapted in support of the experimentation product line (EPL) phases. The proposal is validated by evaluating its feasibility, flexibility, usability and satisfaction. Feasibility and flexibility are evaluated by instantiating the ECMP and the EPL in specific SE experiments. Usability is evaluated by using the proposal to generate the instances of the ECMP and EPL. The results of the validation of the proposal show that the proposal performs better with respect to usability issues and experimenter satisfaction

    Adopting configuration management principles for managing experiment materials in families of experiments

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    Context. Replication is a key component of experimentation for verifying previous results and findings. Experiment replication requires products like documentation describing the baseline experiment and a version of the experimental material. When replicating an experiment, changes may have to be made to some of the products, leading to new or modified versions of materials. After the replication has been conducted, part of or all the materials should be added to the family history or to the baseline experiment documentation. As the number of replications increases, more versions of the materials are generated. This can lead to product management chaos in replications sharing the same protocol. Objective. The aim of this paper is to adopt configuration management principles to manage experimental materials. We apply and validate these principles in a code inspection technique comparison experimentand a personality quasi-experiment. Method. The study was conducted within a research group with lengthy experience in experiment replication. This research group has had trouble with the management of the materials used to run some of the experiments replicated by other colleagues. This is a suitable context for applying action research. We used action research to adopt the configuration management principles and build a materials management framework. Result. We generated the instances of an experiment and a quasi-experiment, identifying the status and traceability of the materials. Additionally, we documented the work load required for instantiation in person-hours. We also checked the ease of use and understanding of the framework for instantiating the personality quasi-experiment configuration plan executed by researchers who did not develop the framework, as well as its usefulness for managing the experimental materials. Conclusion. The experimental materials management framework is useful for establishing the status and traceability of the experimental materials. Additionally, it improves the storage, search, location and retrieval of the experimental material versions